Which Direction Should a Beehive Face for Best Pollination?
Ideally, beehives should face the south for beekeepers in the northern hemisphere. For beekeepers in the southern hemisphere, the beehives should face the north.
This is where you’ll find information on various beekeeping topics. We discuss beekeeping equipment, beekeeping tips, and answer honey bee questions.
Brood boxes are where the queen lays her eggs. There are usually only one or two brood boxes per hive, and they’re placed at the bottom.
There are a handful of beginning beekeeping supplies needed to be successful. You need a beehive, hive stand, bee suit, gloves, bee smoker, hive tool, and bee brush.
Honeybees working on honeycomb. Honeybee colonies typically have between 10,000 to 60,000 bees.
Bees can’t swim, so they need landing perches to rest on while drinking water. Otherwise, they can drown accidentally.
Mean bees can become a cause for concern for many beekeepers. That said, agitated bees can be normal with perfectly reasonable explanations.
Festooning is when honey bees hang together like a chain. Bees typically do this when building or repairing combs.
Whether you’re looking for help with honey bee behavior, picking a beehive, or just have general beekeeping questions – we’ve got you covered.
There are two recipes used to make sugar water: one for the spring/summer and one for the fall. Sugar water can help boost the strength of your colony in the early spring or prepare them for winter.
Ideally, beehives should face the south for beekeepers in the northern hemisphere. For beekeepers in the southern hemisphere, the beehives should face the north.
Bee smokers are devices used by beekeepers to puff smoke on their bees. Bee smokers mask the honeybee’s alarm pheromones so they aren’t triggered to sting.
There are different measurements between the 10-frame and 8-frame Langstroth hive. Read below to see measurements for the inches, centimeters, and millimeters.
Ideally, beehives should face the south for beekeepers in the northern hemisphere. For beekeepers in the southern hemisphere, the beehives should face the north.
Bee smokers are devices used by beekeepers to puff smoke on their bees. Bee smokers mask the honeybee’s alarm pheromones so they aren’t triggered to sting.
There are different measurements between the 10-frame and 8-frame Langstroth hive. Read below to see measurements for the inches, centimeters, and millimeters.
Search our database with hundreds of articles with up-to-date information from our bee experts.
Whether you have questions about bee species, gardening for bees, bee stings, or other bee-related or pollinator questions – we’ve got you covered.