

Acacia Honey: Taste, Benefits & Risks

Honeybees filling honeycomb with acacia honey

Acacia honey, also called locust honey, comes from honeybees who pollinate black locust trees. Black locust trees are native to North America and Europe. Their fragrant blooms entice honeybees to their nectar.

Do Carpenter Bees Pollinate?

carpenter bees pollinating flowers

In this article: 01 Do Carpenter Bees Pollinate?  02 Should I Leave Carpenter Bees Alone? 03 What Plants Do Carpenter Bees Pollinate?  Do Carpenter Bees Pollinate? Yes, carpenter bees are incredible pollinators that play a crucial role in our ecosystem. Think about it. Through their pollination, carpenter bees help increase crop yields and quality. In … Read more

How Do Bees Make Wax?

Honeybees making beeswax

Table of Contents: 01 How Do Bees Make Wax? 02 Why Do Bees Make Wax? 03 Do All Bees Make Wax? How Do Bees Make Wax? Honeybees make wax from special glands underneath their abdomens. These wax glands secrete liquid wax that solidifies once exposed to air. At first, the beeswax appears transparent in color … Read more

What Do Carpenter Bees Eat?

what do carpenter bees eat

Despite popular belief, carpenter bees don’t eat wood. Like other bees, they eat pollen and nectar collected from flowers. Pollen is their protein source, and nectar is their carbohydrate source.

Why Does Honey Crystallize?

why does honey crystallize?

Honey crystallizes because the sugars and water separate over time. Honey has a low moisture content, meaning it doesn’t have enough water to keep the sugars dissolved.