

Do Bees Sting?

Sweat bee perched on finger

In most cases, bees are gentle creatures that won’t go out of their way to sting. However, if you’re close to their nest, it could trigger their defensive instincts to defend their hive.

What is Dark Honey?

Dark honey isn’t a specific type of honey. The term “dark honey” simply refers to the color. There are many types of dark honey, including buckwheat honey, avocado honey, and jarrah honey.

Should I Buy Buckfast Bees?

Buckfast bee sitting on leaf

Buckfast bees have been bred for their honey production, disease resistance, and docile temperament. However, that doesn’t mean they’re right for every beekeeper.

Is It Okay to Vacuum Bees?

Beekeeper inspecting beehive

Beekeepers often vacuum bees while moving them to a new, safe location. However, we don’t recommend handling honey bees without proper equipment and experience.

Why Are Bees Hitting My Window?

Honey bee sitting on yellow flower

Bees hit windows by accident. This is because windows reflect the sky or foliage, making them inviting places to fly into. Unfortunately, this can severely injure or kill the bee.