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What Are the Benefits of Raw Honey?

benefits of raw honey
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What Are the Benefits of Raw Honey?

benefits of raw honey

Raw honey comes directly from a honey bee hive. It’s left unpasteurized, which means it wasn’t heated and stripped of its health benefits.

More importantly?

Raw honey is antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory when left in its natural state. Raw honey has been shown in clinical trials to help with everything from upper respiratory infections to serious wounds that became infected after surgery.

So what are the specific benefits of raw honey?

Let’s discuss a few.

Benefit 1: Raw Honey Can Soothe a Sore Throat and Cough

benefits of raw honey

Coughing is a common issue for people suffering from upper respiratory infections. It can lead to a sore throat and, worse, prevent individuals from getting proper sleep.

This is where raw honey comes in.

One review of several studies showed that honey was more effective for treating cough symptoms than diphenhydramine (a cough medicine ingredient). Raw honey can help reduce coughing duration.(1)

Moreover, some over-the-counter cough medicines can have negative side effects such as blurred vision, difficulty breathing, and nausea. Raw honey doesn’t have any of these side effects.

Furthermore, honey has been shown to help improve sleep quality among children with coughs and their parents.(2)

Additionally, a review of studies suggested that honey could be better than other treatment options for upper respiratory tract infections.(3)

Another study suggested that honey was effective at healing a sore throat thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.(4)

Benefit 2: Raw Honey is a Rich Source of Antioxidants

benefits of raw honey

A large portion of honey’s health benefits come from its antioxidant content. Antioxidants are molecules that help neutralize harmful free radicals in our bodies. Free radicals are linked to aging and several diseases and types of cancer.

In one study, researchers fed 25 individuals about four tablespoons of buckwheat honey daily, in addition to their regular diets. Blood samples were taken before and after the study.(5)

After 29 days, the subjects had increased levels of polyphenols, which are disease-fighting antioxidants.

The more polyphenol-containing honey the individuals ate, the higher the levels of antioxidants were in their blood.(6, 7)

Additional research shows that antioxidant compounds in raw honey have anti-inflammatory effects that can protect against conditions associated with oxidative stress.(8)

Raw honey also can contain bee pollen and propolis, which may offer more health benefits. Another review of studies suggested that honey might have potential benefits for the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and nervous systems.(9)

Benefit 3: Raw Honey is Good for the Skin

benefits of raw honey

Raw honey is a powerhouse for the skin thanks to its antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties.

It can help treat everything from minor acne spots to serious skin conditions, such as diabetes-related foot ulcers.

One review of studies found that honey successfully healed partial-thickness burns and wounds that became infected after surgery.(10)

Another study found that honey had a 97% success rate in treating diabetes-related foot ulcers. Such foot ulcers are serious and can lead to amputation.(11)

Furthermore, honey has been demonstrated to be useful in treating other skin conditions, including herpes, eczema, and psoriasis.(12, 13, 14)

Honey may also help with:

  • Acne
  • Sunburns
  • Dry skin
  • Skin rashes

This is why it’s not uncommon to find honey as an ingredient in face washes, lotions, and serums.

Benefit 4: Raw Honey Can Improve Heart Health

benefits of raw honey

Honey may also help prevent heart disease.

According to some research, raw honey may help lower blood pressure, regulate your heartbeat, improve blood fat levels, and prevent healthy cells from dying – all things that improve overall heart function.(15)

Raw honey may also contain bee propolis, which is a sticky mixture made by honey bees from sap-producing plants. Propolis may have the ability to improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels.(16)

Benefit 5: Raw Honey May Be a Better Sugar Alternative

benefits of raw honey

Honey may offer benefits over table sugar based on many of the things we’ve already mentioned.

Studies have found that raw honey can increase adiponectin levels, a hormone that helps with insulin sensitivity and inflammation.(17)

Although honey raises blood sugar levels like other sugars, it’s full of antioxidants that protect against metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

Sugar is higher on the glycemic index (GI) than honey, which elevates blood sugar levels faster. This is because sugar has a high fructose content and doesn’t contain trace minerals.

That said, honey has more calories than sugar but it’s also sweeter, so you won’t need as much of it. But as with any sweetener, it’s best to eat honey in moderation.

Benefit 6: Raw Honey is an Easy Addition to Your Diet

benefits of raw honey

Honey pairs well with many foods. It also tastes delicious straight on its own, eaten directly off the spoon.

You can add honey to:

  • Tea or coffee
  • Yogurt
  • Oatmeal
  • Smoothies
  • Warm biscuits or bread

Raw honey can be used as a sugar substitute in some baking recipes or as a glaze for meats.

You can also apply honey directly to your skin, whether on your face or body. Since honey is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, it works well for soothing skin and reducing redness.

Benefit 7: Raw Honey Can Improve Digestion

benefits of raw honey

Honey is sometimes given to treat digestive difficulties, such as diarrhea. Although some research indicates that it works, the research so far is limited. Some researchers believe honey may be able to treat Helicobacter pylori bacteria, a common cause of stomach ulcers.

Raw honey also contains beneficial prebiotics. This means that it helps to nourish the good bacteria that live in your intestines. This is beneficial for both digestion and overall health.

Benefit 8: Raw Honey May Offer Brain Benefits

benefits of raw honey

Some research suggests that honey may benefit learning and memory, though further studies are needed to confirm.(18)

The polyphenols in raw honey may help reduce inflammation in the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain involved in memory.

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects can be helpful for many parts of the body, including brain health.

How Do I Choose Raw Honey?

benefits of raw honey

You want to find honey labels that say “raw” or “unpasteurized” or come from a local beekeeper who can verify the honey hasn’t been pasteurized.

Keep in mind:

Honey may come with labels with buzzwords such as “natural,” “pure,” and “organic,” but none of these things indicate that the honey is raw.

So look for labels that specifically say “raw” or “unpasteurized.” You may have to find it online or from a local beekeeper.

Also, remember that there are more than 300 types of honey. The flavor differs depending on the flowers the bees visited. You can find honey that is light and delicate or rich and robust.

If you’re interested in honey for the health benefits, we recommend choosing raw buckwheat honey.

Numerous research has been done on buckwheat honey, and it’s shown to have higher antioxidant activity than some other types.

Buckwheat honey has a mild sweetness with an earthy undertone. It’s not as sweet as other honey types, but it’s a good staple in the kitchen cabinet when you need it.

Is Raw Honey Safe to Eat Daily?

benefits of raw honey

Raw honey is considered a safe food for most individuals over 12 months.

That said, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends not giving honey to children under 12 months old because of the risk for infant botulism. Botulism is a rare yet serious illness caused by bacteria found in certain foods.

Children can eat honey once they’re older than 12 months old because their immune systems are more developed and can better fight off any bacteria that may be present in the honey.

Additionally, people with diabetes may need to be careful about eating honey. This is because honey can raise blood sugar levels. If you have diabetes, talk to your doctor before adding honey to your diet.

FAQs on the Benefits of Raw Honey


What are the benefits of raw manuka honey?

Raw manuka honey is a widely studied type of honey.

It contains high levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which can help to improve various health conditions. Additionally, raw manuka honey has been shown to be effective at treating wounds and infections.

Besides this, raw manuka honey offers the same benefits mentioned in the article above.

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What are the benefits of raw honey on skin?

There are many benefits of raw honey for the skin. Firstly, raw honey is a great natural moisturizer. It can help to soothe and hydrate dry skin. Additionally, raw honey contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which can help treat skin conditions like acne.

Raw honey can also be used as a facial mask. Simply apply it to your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water and enjoy softer, smoother skin.

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What are the benefits of raw honey for allergies?

Honey hasn’t been scientifically shown to be effective in treating allergies. However, some believe that raw honey can help build immunity against certain allergens. Many people report good results from eating raw honey.

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Are there benefits of raw honey on hair?

There are several benefits of raw honey for hair. Raw honey can help to moisturize and condition dry hair. Additionally, it can help to treat scalp conditions like dandruff.

To use raw honey as a hair treatment, simply massage it into your scalp and hair. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes, and then rinse it out with warm water.

Be aware that honey contains hydrogen peroxide, which can lighten hair color over time.

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Is a teaspoon of honey a day good for you?

People often ask:

What happens to your body when you start eating honey every day? What does a spoonful of honey a day do?

A spoonful of honey benefits you because it contains antioxidants, enzymes, minerals, and vitamins essential for good health. Honey is a natural cough suppressor and can help soothe a sore throat.

In addition, honey can help improve digestion and be used as a natural energy booster.

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Is raw honey better than honey?

Raw honey is better than processed honey regarding nutrition and health benefits. Processing honey removes many of the beneficial compounds found in raw honey.

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What are the health benefits of raw honey?

People often ask:

What are the benefits of raw unfiltered honey? Are there benefits to raw honey? What is raw honey good for? Are there unfiltered raw honey benefits?

There are many benefits of raw honey. Raw honey is a great source of antioxidants and contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Raw honey has been shown to be effective in treating wounds and infections.

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What diseases does honey cure?

Results may vary, but honey may help treat:

  • Cardiovascular disease. Some research suggests that honey might help reduce the risk of heart disease due to its antioxidant activity.
  • Gastrointestinal disease. There is evidence that honey might help relieve gastrointestinal tract conditions such as diarrhea associated with gastroenteritis. Honey might also be effective as part of oral rehydration therapy.
  • Neurological disease. Studies suggest that honey might offer antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and anti-anxiety benefits. Honey has been shown in some studies to help prevent memory disorders.

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What are the negative effects of raw honey?

“Are there any raw honey dangers?” is a frequent question we get asked.

Most adults over 12 months can consume raw honey safely without concern. However, there are some risks associated with consuming raw honey.

Raw honey may contain bacteria that can cause infant botulism. As a result, babies under 12 months old should not consume honey.

Also, people with diabetes should be cautious when consuming raw honey as it can cause a spike in blood sugar levels.

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Does honey help you sleep?

Honey can help you sleep if you’re suffering from an upper respiratory infection because it will soothe a sore throat. This is one of the main raw honey benefits.

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Does raw honey need to be refrigerated?

No, the proper way to store honey is at room temperature. You can refrigerate raw honey if you want, but it’s unnecessary because it will only make it crystallize faster. Raw honey doesn’t expire if appropriately stored in an airtight container.

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How long will raw honey last? How long does raw honey last after opening?

Raw honey will last indefinitely if it’s stored in an airtight container. Raw honey is one of the only foods that never expire when stored correctly.

If the honey crystallizes, you can heat it and stir it to liquify it again.

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Does raw honey help with a cough?

Yes, raw honey can help with coughs. Honey has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can help soothe a sore throat.

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Is raw honey good for your lungs?

Honey has been found to be a successful treatment for upper respiratory infections.

Honey has antioxidant, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties that can help clear lung congestion.

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How can you tell if honey is processed or raw?

The easiest way to tell if honey is raw or processed is to look at the label. If the label says “raw honey,” you can be sure it’s raw. If the label doesn’t say anything about being raw, it’s likely processed.

If you want honey for health benefits, then raw honey is the way to go.

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How do you use raw honey?

There are many ways to use honey if you want to experience the unfiltered raw honey benefits. You can eat it off the spoon, add it to recipes, or use it directly on your skin.

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