How to Make a Safe Bee Waterer
Bees can’t swim, so they need landing perches to rest on while drinking water. Otherwise, they can drown accidentally.
This covers how to become a beekeeper, beekeeping supplies like bee suits and bee smokers, and how to get your bee hive set up.
Bees can’t swim, so they need landing perches to rest on while drinking water. Otherwise, they can drown accidentally.
Mean bees can become a cause for concern for many beekeepers. That said, agitated bees can be normal with perfectly reasonable explanations.
The flow hives’ main benefit is that it makes honey harvesting easier and less invasive for bees. But flow hives aren’t for every beekeeper.
Queen cells are special cells that raise new queens. They can either be supersedure or swarm cells, and they mean two different things.
Beekeepers are called apiarists, and they raise and maintain honeybees. Most beekeepers are hobbyists that are fascinated by the lifestyle of honeybees.
Horizontal hives are single-story beehives that are longer than they are tall. Sometimes they are referred to as “long hives.”
Honey supers, also called “supers” for short, are boxes placed on honeybee hives to store honey. They come in three sizes: shallow, medium, and deep.
There are a handful of beginning beekeeping supplies needed to be successful. You need a beehive, hive stand, bee suit, gloves, bee smoker, hive tool, and bee brush.
Honeybees working on honeycomb. Honeybee colonies typically have between 10,000 to 60,000 bees.
Bee smokers are devices used by beekeepers to puff smoke on their bees. Bee smokers mask the honeybee’s alarm pheromones so they aren’t triggered to sting.