

What Do Carpenter Bees Eat?

what do carpenter bees eat

Despite popular belief, carpenter bees don’t eat wood. Like other bees, they eat pollen and nectar collected from flowers. Pollen is their protein source, and nectar is their carbohydrate source.

Do Bees Poop?

honeybee sitting on yellow flower

Table of Contents: 01 Do Bees Poop? 02 What Does a Bee’s Poop Look Like? 03 Where Do Bees Poop? Do Bees Poop? Like humans, bees poop to relieve themselves of waste. But here’s the thing: The technical term for insect poop is “frass.” Frass can vary in size, shape, and color amongst insects. For … Read more

Do Honey Bees Sting?

Honey bee pollinating flower

In this article: 01 Do Honey Bees Sting? 02 What Happens to a Honey Bee After Stinging? 03 How to Avoid Honey Bee Stings 04 How to Treat Honey Bee Stings Do Honey Bees Sting? Yes, honey bees sting when they feel their hive is in danger. But now you might be asking: Well, how … Read more

Do All Bees Sting?

sweat bee on finger

There are over 20,000 bee species and most of them have the ability to sting. Honeybees and bumblebees are common examples of bees that sting. However, there are two types of bees that can’t sting: male bees and stingless bees.

Do Bees Hibernate?

Do bees hibernate?

Some bee species hibernate during the winter, while others do not. For example, queen bumblebees hibernate until spring emerges. However, honeybees don’t hibernate. Instead, honeybees huddle together to stay warm.

Do Bees Die When They Sting?

Do bees die when they sting?

Most bees don’t die after stinging. However, honeybees are one of the only bee species that die after stinging. This is because honeybees lose their stinger (a vital organ) after stinging.