

Do Bees Sleep or Rest?

wool carder bee resting on leaf

 Table of Contents: 01 Do Bees Sleep? 02 Where Do Bees Sleep? 03 What Time Do Bees Sleep and Wakeup? 04 Can Bees Become Sleep Deprived? Do Bees Sleep? Yes, bees sleep. And guess what? It might surprise you to learn that bees can start showing signs of sleep deprivation if they don’t get enough … Read more

Do Bumble Bees Bite?

bumble bee on mans finger

Table of Contents: 01 Do Bumble Bees Bite? 02 Do Bumble Bees Have Teeth? 03 When Do Bumble Bees Bite? Do Bumble Bees Bite? Ready for some good news? No, bumblebees don’t bite humans. It simply isn’t their natural instinct to do so. What do I mean by that? For starters, bumblebees are actually gentle … Read more

Do Beehives Die in the Winter?

beehives in the winter

Some beehives die in the winter while others do not. For example, honeybees survive the winter by clustering together in a warm huddle. In contrast, bumblebee colonies die off by the late fall, leaving only the queen bee to survive by hibernating.

Do Bumblebees Poop?

bumblebees on flower

Bumblebees poop to relieve themselves of waste. Like humans, bumblebees have rectums and anuses where their poop exits their bodies. A bumblebees poop is made up of undigested pollen grains and pollen fat.

What Are Digger Bees?

digger bee (mining bee) digging into soil

“Digger bee” is a broad term that refers to many species of bees that dig their nests underground. For example, miner bees, sweat bees, and silvery leafcutter bees all fall into the digging bee category.

What Are Green Bees?

green bee (sweat bee) sitting on flower

“Green bees” is a nickname for sweat bees. These are metallic green bees that are typically the size of a housefly. They’re solitary bees that nest underground, and they’re crucial pollinators that help sustain our ecosystems.