

How to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees

carpenter bee inside of carpenter bee hole

In this article: 01 How to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees Naturally 02 3 Things to do for Prevention 03 FAQs about Carpenter Bees Let’s face it. It’s frustrating to see dozens of carpenter bee holes in your deck, porch, or home. You want to get rid of the carpenter bees ASAP. But this is … Read more

Do Birds Eat Bees?

bird eating bee

Some birds eat bees because they provide the protein needed to grow strong feathers. Bee-eating birds include mockingbirds, robins, and summer tanagers.

What Are Black Honeybees?

black honeybees

European black honeybees, also called German black bees, are a type of bee that was previously thought to be extinct. However, it was re-discovered in Europe in 2012.

Do Bumble Bees Sting?

bumblebee pollinating yellow and pink flower

In this article: 01 Do Bumble Bees Sting? 02 What Happens to a Bumble Bee After Stinging? 03 How to Prevent Bumble Bee Stings 04 How to Treat Bumble Bee Stings Do Bumble Bees Sting? Yes, bumblebees can sting, but it’s rare. Bumblebees are peaceful creatures. Some people even refer to them as “gentle giants” … Read more