

How Long Do Bumble Bees Live?

bumblebee on purple flower

In this article: 01 How Long Do Bumble Bees Live? 02 What is the Lifecycle of a Bumblebee Egg? 03 How Long Do Bumble Bees Live Without Food? 04 How Long Do Bumble Bees Live After Stinging? How Long Do Bumble Bees Live? Bumblebee Lifespan: Queen bumblebee: 1 year Worker bumblebee: 28 days Drone bumblebee: … Read more

What Are Bee Larvae?

bee larvae

A bee turns into a larva after hatching from an egg. Bee larvae look like small, white grubs that don’t yet resemble adult bees. The larval stage can last a few days or longer, depending on the bee.

How Many Eyes Does a Bee Have?

close up of bees' eyes

In this article: 01 How Many Eyes Does a Bee Have? 02 Do All Bees Have 5 Eyes? 03 How Far Can a Bee See? How Many Eyes Does a Bee Have? Bees have five eyes. They have two large eyes on the side of their head and three small eyes on the top. Now … Read more

Can Bees Bite Humans?

bees that bite

Bees can bite humans, but it’s rare. Stinging is a bee’s main defense against humans. Biting is usually something only beekeepers or entomologists experience.

How Many Legs Do Bees Have?

close up of honeybees legs

In this article: 01 How Many Legs Do Bees Have? 02 Why Do Bees Need Six Legs? 03 Can a Bee Survive After Losing a Leg? How Many Legs Do Bees Have? Bees have six legs: two forelegs (at the front of their body) two middle legs two hind legs   But there’s something I … Read more

Why Do Vulture Bees Eat Rotting Flesh?

vulture bee sitting on branch

In this article: 01 What Are Vulture Bees? 02 Why Do Vulture Bees Like Meat? 03 Are Vulture Bees Dangerous To Humans? 04 Is Vulture Bee Honey Safe To Eat? What Are Vulture Bees? The secret’s out. Vulture bees are South American bees that eat rotting flesh. They eat things like dead birds, lizards, toads, … Read more

What Do Bees Eat?

Bumblebee eating nectar from yellow flower

In this article: 01 What Do Bees Eat? 02 What Do Bees Drink? 03 Can I Feed Bees? What Do Bees Eat? Bees eat mostly two things: Pollen and nectar. Pollen is a bee’s main protein source, whereas nectar is a main carbohydrate source.(1) That’s right. Bees need protein and carbs just like humans do. … Read more

How Long Do Bees Live?

Mason bee pollinating purple flower

Here’s a fact that might surprise you: There are more than 20,000 bee species worldwide. But now that brings us to the million-dollar question… How Long Do Bees Live? The answer? It depends. More specifically, it depends on the bees’ species, job duties, and external factors such as climate. But with that in mind, let’s … Read more